Help Wanted.

2011 marked a major paradigm shift for me in my photography goals.  As such, I’m on a bit of a creative sabbatical with a fierce intent to pursue some avenues that I never had time for in the past.

Through the process, I’m discovering one missing element.  I can’t do it by myself

and I am deeply in need of a lovely assistant!

In the past I’ve welcomed one-time assistants on several of my shoots, but that approach just isn’t going to work for the projects I have coming in the next few months.  I need someone who will be consistent and be there for the long haul, since there will be a bit of training involved, deeper responsibility, and most of all, I’d love to share my vision with someone who shares in my excitement.

If this is peaking your interest, read on:

Assistant Responsibilities will include:

-Shooting… (video).  No worries if you’re totally inexperienced here.  I provide all equipment and training.

-Help with lighting (holding reflectors, diffusers, etc.)

-Stylist (another pair of eyes to catch minor adjustment details)

-Creative soundboard for all my ideas

-Minimum commitment of 2 months, hopefully more.

*This is a non-paid gig.  But for someone searching for an outstanding blow your mind one on one education you’ll get far more than you bargained for.

Assistant Requirements:

-Must be fun.  Light hearted and think I’m funny.

-Must be available for around 2 hours a week in Cache Valley.  Shoots will typically take place on Friday mornings (9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. ISH)  OR  afternoons. (3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. ISH).  If you have young children you must be confident you can find a consistent baby-sitter every week.

-An eye for composition and design.  A brief portfolio submission is requested.

-A earnest quest for knowledge and a willingness to push boundaries of creative thinking.

-A deeply rooted desire to capture authenticity and real life.

-A gracious spirit and heart that is willing to serve and willing to share.

-Loves the idea of visionary work that can change the world and individuals

-Wants to make a difference and an impact in the work they do

-Is willing to contribute creatively in the pursuit of some wild and crazy dreams


Does this describe you?   I hope to start as soon as Next week.  Yesterday would have been even better.

UPDATE: Thank you for the overwhelming response.  I have closed the application process so I can even begin to sort through it all.  I’m truly humbled that so many would even want the opportunity to work together. Thank you.


Brooke Snow is a Lifestyle photographer in Cache Valley, Utah.  When she was little her mom told her that at Midnight on Christmas Eve, animals could talk.  She had the perfect plan… she would teach the family Collie, Sadie, Math!  Years have passed.  Much has changed.  She no longer likes math.  Or dogs.  But she still LOVES to teach!

Brooke teaches private photography lessons , online photography classes, as well as seasonal photography classes in Logan, Utah.

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7 Responses

  1. Oh how much I wish to be back in Logan right now! I am going to be in california till next year. But I would totally love to be your assistant next time when the opportunity comes.

  2. I logged for the first time tonight to blog. I asked about buying the Nikon 3100 and your recommended the 35mm 1.8. While I’m thinking of it what does a 35mm 1.4 do differently. Anyways, I was quickly reading over your info. about how you have balance in your life and that you make time to study the scriptures and family first. Now I just read about our recruiting of someone to go along side you. I have so many ideas that are going through my head of how to run and promote the business that I’m ready to burst. My daughter, who is 22 years has the eye and skill and has done many numerous paid jobs, baseball team pic, senior pics, weddings, family, engagement (all paid working on and off since she was 15) and I have helped her along the way. I have the drive and motivation in me to make this business work and my daughter is not as reliable as I would like to see a professional be…..I could do so much for her. Anyways, I recently decided that I’ll just do it myself….and you’re right, I can’t do it myself. I have all the ambition, the business drive and motivation and dedication but not the skill or the eye that she has. I’ve been obsessed and breathing, eating and dreaming photo business. I pray that God either takes away these ideas before I go into debt and if He doesn’t want me to go any farther with this. I’ve told my friends of my ideas and they think they’re great, but I (like you) are looking for THAT person that I can bounce ideas back and forth and implement them together. It’s like sure they’ll support me but they won’t get in the nitty gritty. I want to work hard and play hard. I don’t know why I wrote all this to you. I am like one of the other blogger that said….”I’m not a stocker, just excited” I’m excited because ever since I woke up with this idea of running a photo business (hopefully with my daughter as the photographer)I ahve been running into so many photographers and seeing Mera and other things and then your blog etc. I’ll pray you find your person. Please pray I figure out what I’ll be as I get older:)

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