The Car {Family Life Project 52}

Since my one and only goal for 2012 is to live a creative LIFE, I was absolutely delighted when my friend Rhonda invited me to join her for a 52 week project on Family Life!  I’ve had small quiet resolutions for photographing my family throughout the year in the past, but this means that I now have accountability and a fun theme to help my creativity.

I’ll be posting once a week (for the 52 weeks of the year!) our family life photo. At the end of the year I hope to have a broad and meaningful representation of our family in 2012.

Week #1 theme: The Car


This is usually the view that I see while driving and looking through the child rearview mirror 🙂

I want to kiss him every time I see this sly expression!

Buzzy is notorious for immediately taking his shoes off the minute he gets in the car. Here’s a peak at the process starting…




This was fun!  I have wanted to take shots in the car for awhile, and finally did some!  We shot for about five minutes and I edited for about the same.  If this is what things are like each week, we might actually have a shot of keeping this up this year!

Check out Rhonda’s images HERE.

15 Responses

  1. Love it! We have a shoe-less car rider, too. Most the time I don’t even put the shoes on until AFTER we get to our destination 🙂 These pics are darling – and that hat couldn’t be more perfect on buzzy. I want to kiss his face and I’m not even his mom. Great shots 🙂

  2. my 2 kiddies Do this ALL the time with their shoes it drives me nuts! I’m in you 2!!! Please forgive my my blog is grossly out of date! I tried to fiddle with it the other day to fix the look of it and I made it worse, but I want to be on board with this challenge! it’s do-able! Rhonda ‘s husband and I are cousins. HEy this’ll be a good excuse to figure out my camera better!

  3. What a fun assignment. The thing that I love most is that it is only once a week. I considered doing a picture a day for a year once…but I knew it would be to hard to keep up on. This is doable! So, I want to jump on the band wagon too! Plus- it will give me an excuse to work on all those amazing photography skills I have learned from your classes.

  4. Love this idea! (And love your photos!) If I hadn’t already decided I was trying to do a photo every day with my phone camera (it’s SUCH a challenge for me… I keep thinking, if only I had my dslr!!), I’d choose the challenge you’re doing. I love it!

  5. L.O.V.E. that you are doing a Family Life 52 Week Project. I’ve seen other 52 week projects, but just didn’t feel inspired. This is wonderful!

  6. My 20 month old pulls her shoes off the minute she gets in the car too. I was really hoping that was a habit that was going to wear off quickly – drives me nuts to hunt around for them when we’re jumping out of the car and late somewhere. 🙂
    Your photos are gorgeous, love the rearview mirror one.

  7. Great images, Brooke!

    I had to laugh at this:

    “Buzzy is notorious for immediately taking his shoes off the minute he gets in the car”

    Jaya does exactly the same thing and it has driven me crazy for years! But don’t get crazy, get some pics…thanks 🙂


    1. Ha ha! I’m glad to know that he’s not the only one! I guess I better prepare for him to not outgrow it any time soon!

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