Ep. 70 What’s Awesome About This?


When life feels dark and burdensome, you may not automatically ask yourself, “What’s awesome about this?” Human nature is such that we easily ruminate when we get stuck or face a challenge. But God has commanded us to be grateful in every circumstance and to find the good. We’ll talk about why this is a commandment and why it is powerful enough to pull you out of darkness and into the light. It is perhaps one of the very most important skills you can learn, because it holds the key to 100% of your progress and living a meaningful life.

Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon!
The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course.
40 Amazing Days Meditation Course: Updated version of the 40 Day Christian Meditation Challenge – available on the Co Create app! The Co Create App gives you access to over 100+ Guided Meditations, new Yoga Classes and Inspirational Audio Courses to support you in living into your true identity as the creator of your life. Find all the details at brookesnow.com/app
Mans Search For Meaning by Victor Frankl
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom

2 Responses

  1. I have been bed ridden for 10 days now with Covid19, progressed Pneumonia. I am a mum to 3 young children and a wife to my loving husband.
    While being stuck here in my bed has sucked I’ve had ample time to think and ponder on so many things. I know I was devinely sent to your podcast. Listening to “What’s awesome about this?” has absolutely turned my world upside down for the good! I tried hard to think about what really was/is awesome about my situation. Micro backstory, our whole family got sick, I was last and I was/am the most ill. It was difficult at first for me to find what could be awesome about this, but as it were, a huge lightbulb moment happened for me. I have had so many spiritual experiences enter my mind one after the other on different ways to solve varied things in my home. Things I’d been torn up over wanting peace and understanding with. I’ve been forced in a way to be still. Be still, here sick in my bed, but now have clarity for things I desperately wanted answers to. Upon this understanding I felt also sad that it took me to be extremely sick and bed ridden to find these answers and then I realised that it is in these times when we are truly needing the Lord that we lean on him the most. I was heavily leaning on our Savior for healing, comfort & peace. He brought me that healing, he brought me that comfort & peace and then on top of it all, the knowledge and help I had been searching for long before our family got sick. What’s awesome about your whole family getting Covid19? Not much, unless you try to think about it… The stillness this virus brings has brought to me. The Lord showing me he is there for me and all of us, always.
    Thank you so so much for this podcast and especially this episode. I am forever changed.

  2. This was so helpful! Just after listening I was driving my son to preschool. His seat is behind mine and he was repeatedly kicking the back of my seat. I have always found it irritating when he does this, which is often. But instead of getting irritated this time I decided to see what was awesome and started thinking about how his kicking was kind of like a vibrating chair and how he was giving me a free massage and suddenly rather than being irritating it was enjoyable. It’s incredible how just changing the story completely changes the experience. Thank you!!! I’d love the transcript for this if it’s available!

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