I had an emotional melt down by 8:37 a.m.
Welcome to day 4 of spring break. I’m not accustomed to having to do this parenting gig all day long by myself without the saving grace of pre-school every day. I lost it. I felt totally desperate. Buddy, of course has woken up every morning early, thus leaving me with none of my absolutely necessary morning alone time. I yelled. screamed. cried. It was all quite unattractive. I went to pray–knowing that I was a lost cause and needed divine intervention and heard myself telling the Lord that I was overwhelmed. I stopped myself.
“I’m amazed.”
I said in correction–hearkening back to our soon to be released podcast (Ep. 2) where we determined to banish the word overwhelm from our vocabulary and replace it with amazed. It shifted something inside of me to say the replacement word. Amazement means awe and wonder. It is an especially appropriate word for communicating with God about all the seemingly ‘big’ things happening in our life experience. I suddenly realized how small I was, and how BIG God was, and more importantly, how all powerful His Grace can be.
“I’m amazed…” suddenly took my dismal perspective into a state of humility and wonder at what I knew deep in my heart–God could change me. If he parted the red sea, surely he could calm my heart, calm my emotions, help me be filled with patience, strength, and even a dose of happiness.
An hour has passed and I’m calm again. I’m seeing some solutions to lessen the challenge. I think I might actually make it today 🙂
I’m amazed.
Brooke Snow delights in the pursuit of a meaningful life. Sign up for her FREE e course “Living A Thriving Life” to learn more about how to find true balance in your life. Brooke lives in Northern Utah with her calm husband, adventurous 5 year old son and bouncy baby girl.
One Response
Beautifully said, Brooke. I will absolutely do this. Thanks!