What can you accomplish when you convert to positive thinking?

Watching this amazing feat last night was completely inspiring to me. What impressed me more than the fact that this man walked an unprotected tight rope strung across the Chicago City skyline (one walk was even blindfolded!), was the words he spoke as he walked across. He simply talked aloud to himself and commentators with pure optimism every step of the way.

“He’s done a lot of training…” I said to my husband.
“Not just in walking a tight rope, but extensive mental training to be able to accomplish such a feat.”

With each step he vocally expressed gratitude, optimism, faith, joy, happiness, and gave thanks to God. The words flowed out of him naturally because it had already become a part of who he is.

Can you imagine what would have happened if he allowed even one single doubtful or critical thought into his head while doing that?

What would have happened if he thought:
“Maybe this was a bad idea…”
“What if I fall?”
“One wrong move and I’m a dead man..”

A single thought in that direction would have surely lead to his very literal demise. I was so inspired by the power of his positive thinking. Each of us have our own balancing walk that we make each day. I wonder how much improvement I would make by not just focusing on how to improve what I DO…but how to improve how I THINK while making my own trek.

Instead of giving amplified voice to my inner critic, what would have happened if I had thoughts like,

“I am making great strides as a mother.”
“I have wonderfully energetic children who make life more adventurous.”
“I am so grateful for the bit of progress I made on my project today.”
“I am so grateful for my healthy body.”
“I am beautiful.”

I would have surely saved myself from many a threatening fall if I had proceeded with such faith, joy, optimism and gratitude.

Surely, this was a culminating milestone for Nik Wallenda that came only after a lifetime of training. But it gives me hope that the human mind is capable of something so incredible. The mind is capable of casting out fear, doubt, limiting beliefs, to the point of insurmountable possibility and potential in each of us.

bwselfie Brooke Snow is a photographic artist and delights in the pursuit of a meaningful life. Sign up for her FREE e course “Living A Thriving Life” to learn more about how to find true balance in your life. Brooke lives in Northern Utah with her calm husband, adventurous 4 year old son and practically perfect new baby girl.

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