Trading Thoughts

I was just about to push “send” on my amazon order… the one that has been sitting there for weeks as I scruntinously read every single review on an item (yes, I’m that person!).  After I thought everything was finally complete, I paused.

I had a thought enter my mind.

And maybe I’m completely crazy, and I’ve near enough talked myself out of this several times already, but I just have a feeling that I should voice my thought here on my blog.

I was about to buy a crib, a jogging stroller, and a bike trailer for baby Snow, when it occurred to me that maybe there is someone (or more than one someone) out there who really wants to take my classes or private lessons but can’t afford to…BUT… they do have one of these items in good condition that they don’t need any longer.  I would be happy to negotiate a trade if you find yourself in this situation.  If you’re interested, please send an email to

If I don’t hear from anyone by Wednesday morning, I’ll push the “send” button on my amazon order and go about my original plan.  Have a happy weekend!

2 Responses

  1. Hi. Brooke. You know me:)
    I attended a workshop or two of yours last year.
    I have a crib that is 10 years old. I have used it with all 3 of mine. It is in my laundry closet collecting dust.
    I don’t know if that is too old for you, but it is Simmons brand. It is a walnuty oak colored wood. (brown) It is in great condition but might have a few scuffs on it from it rubbing against the walls in the past. I also have a mattress for it.
    I might be interested in one on one. (since I live kind of far away)
    I guess, tell me if you are interested and how much you think it could be worth:) Thanks.

  2. Brooke, you totally rock. What a great idea. I really hope someone has something you can use and can, in turn, take one of your AMAZING classes. Your classes were THE BEST! Good luck. 🙂

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