Everyone is Photogenic

Last night I crossed something off my bucket list that has been nothing but a well meaning intention for years…

I taught a self image workshop for young girls.

The opportunity came easily since I am a youth leader for the Young Women in my church and we have weekly activities together.  But this took a bit of long term preparation to make it happen.  I started photographing each of the 20+ girls back in August, and finished up with the final girl last week.   I created a slide show that mixed the photographs and video together with an amazing song I found by Nicole Sheahan that expresses perfectly the message I wanted to share with them.

Last night we met together for the teaching portion and final presentation of the images, where each girl went home with printed photographs of herself–that I hope will serve as a long lasting reminder of the light and life they have within them.

One highlight of the evening was discussing “What does PHOTOGENIC mean?”

Broken down into its root meanings:



Every person has light and life within them.  Which means that every person is photogenic.  Not always in front of a camera—but we can all recount moments of pure happiness we’ve experienced where that light and life shines through us.  Master photographers through the ages have been able to break the personal barriers people put up and invite the light and life that every person has to surface.  These are the moments when every person is truly beautiful. Because it is the light within us that is true beauty.

Life between the ages of 12-18 can be tough! It’s not usually laden with overflowing self confidence in the way we see ourself, a common challenge that many of us face even into our post teen years.  The thing that I love very most about these pictures, is that you can literally see LIGHT and LIFE.  This is a clear image of the spirits of each of these girls. To have such a photograph of oneself can make an impact in remembering who we really are amidst the distractions and lies that the world may send us.

That’s my greatest hope and intent with these pictures…

Remember who you are.

This is who you are.




















Brooke Snow is a Lifestyle photographer in Cache Valley, Utah. She wants to be a motivational speaker when she grows up, and hopes to someday love to cook.

Brooke teaches inspiring online photography classes that bring you confidence in your skills and creativity.

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38 Responses

  1. I love every single thing about this post. I hope my daughter grows up knowing she is light and she is life and she is beautiful just the way she is. It can be such a cruel world out there for young girls and self-image.

  2. Gorgeous. Those girls are so beautiful. You had me in tears the whole time… it could be a little bit because I just moved away from my last ward where I was the YW president for 4 1/2 years… I’m missing my girls.

  3. Brooke, this is incredible! I absolutely LOVE this idea and the stunning images you captured of these girls. I literally have tears in my eyes watching this video. I know that you will have a profound affect on the lives of these girls and hopefully many others that see this. Awesome!!!!

  4. Brooke this was absolutely beautiful! I was in tears the entire time. What a wonderful gift you have given these girls (and all of us who read your post and watch the video). What a wonderful role model and teacher you are. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great post! I did something similar with my Beehives recently. It was wonderful to see the girls that don’t think of themselves as beautiful and photogenic realize that they are beautiful on the inside and outside!

  6. Profoundly beautiful and inspiring. I hope these precious girls will always find their worth in Him and remember they truly are his daughters…
    What a rewarding investment into these souls, Brooke. Your heart must be overflowing after this project!

  7. Feeling so privileged to see the final product of this amazing project! You have given another wonderful gift to many 🙂

  8. Hi Brooke, Absolutely love that you did this for these girls. Coming from a very poor background i would of given anything for such a beautiful picture of myself. That was such a loving gift….way to go!! Miranda

  9. Brooke you have a huge heart and an awesome gift. Thank you for offering such a beautiful inspirational message to us…. however more importantly to each one of those treasured young women!

  10. Brooke this made me bawl. What a gift you have given these girls! I feel MORE than passionate about this subject ( a lot because I have struggled with this) I just LOVE this!! You are so incredibly amazing. Thank you for sharing this will all of us too-I have said it before and I’m sure this won’t be the last time, but you are INSPIRING! What a gift to the world

  11. Beautiful and certainly inspiring! I am in awe at how you live so confidently while on your path. Thank you for sharing!

  12. Amazing. What an unforgettable experience for these girls! I wish my daughter was in your ward. 🙂 I know they will remember this gift you’ve given them for the rest of their lives. I can’t think of a better way to share your talent!

  13. This was so beautiful! What a gift you are giving them, not just in the photographs, but in the truth that they are beautiful because that’s how God sees them. LOVE!

  14. WOW…that was so beautiful! You are an amazing person with loads of talent! Every woman and girl needs to see that! 🙂

  15. Thank you for putting a great big smile on my face! What a truly rewarding project! Something these young precious ladies will cherish in their hearts always!

  16. I love this. I also teach in the Young Women organization in my ward and feel like this is one lesson each girl (and woman for that matter) needs to really understand. We all have light in us. His light. Your YW girls are blessed to have you help them see that. Thanks for the beautiful thought.

  17. Brooke, I LOVE this! You captured the beauty of every one of those Young Women! What a unique gift to them. Truly worthwhile.

  18. Thanks for sharing this great idea and for the wonderful influence you have been on young women. Just last night I attended my daughter’s YW in Excellence program and sat there thinking- I want to offer to take pics of all the girls for next year! The slideshow really makes an impact- I hope I can pay it forward as you have. Thanks, Brooke.

  19. Thank you everyone for your great support of this project!! I’m really overwhelmed at what an impact it has made beyond the scope of my little group of girls! I can tell that this is an important topic and I look forward to diving deeper into it in the future! For anyone interested in doing this type of thing in their own area I’d be happy to share anything that I put together that might help. It’s a great project and very rewarding 🙂

  20. Brooke, this is beautiful. What a gift to give these sweet young women…to see themselves as they are: amazing, filled with light, powerful, and blessed with gifts.

    How do you always manage to get so inspired to do such meaningful projects? I adore this one!

    And then you go and be more inspiring by offering to help others with questions they may have about doing their own project. Your giving, kind, sharing way with people of your own light is pure inspiration to me.

    So happy I know you!

  21. oh wow Brooke this is just lovely! what a wonderful thing you have done for these girls, and all who will chance across them in their lifetimes.
    you should be so very proud!

  22. Brooke, you amaze me. My niece is Kaitlyn, the first picture in your group. This is STUNNING. I actually went to high school with you back in the day. My sister Katie was telling me about the evening you spent with these girls and what you told them. I TOTALLY teared up. I work here at BYU and have subsequently shared the story with others. Every woman who hears the story begins to cry. Your message is SOO inspiring and perfectly timed for those girls. I love it. I can only pay you the simplest, most heartfelt compliment that came out while I was recalling it to my boss:
    “THIS is using her talent the way Heavenly Father wants. THIS is living her covenant. This is realizing her endowment.”
    Thank you.

    1. Karen!

      Thank you so much for your comment. You have no idea how much your words mean to me. And thank you so much for sharing the words of your boss. They were an answer to prayer about something I have been seeking direction in for a long time. I’m always humbled and amazed at how we truly are instruments for each other to receive the messages that Heavenly Father wants us to hear. Thank you for being in tune and acting on a prompting to say something. It’s blessed my life today!

      And I totally remember you from High School 🙂 I hope you are doing well!

      Thank you again,


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