Mini Class

I’m teaching a free mini class tonight in Cache Valley at 7:00 p.m. featuring my “Top Ten Tiny Tips for Drastically Improving your Photography”. Β It will be in a church and I will also touch on the spiritual side of photography as well. Β If you’re interested in attending, please send me an email for more information (

I do plan to make this class available for photo class parties in the future πŸ™‚ Β Hooray!

In other news… guess who figured out how to climb, stand, and jump around his crib?

And I’m sure you’re all interested in the absolutely compelling photo-journalistic slideshow beautifully set to music to give an emotional impact to such a life milestone… CLICK HERE.

Happy Tuesday!

Brooke Snow is a Lifestyle photographer in Cache Valley, Utah. She recently learned how to yodel so she could perform upbeat polka songs in the kitchen for the baby boy she is smitten with. Her delightful husband sings bass and does a great oom pah line to accompany the yodel chorus. She wrote an opera once, and dabbles in cowboy poetry.

Brooke teaches private photography lessons as well as monthly photography classes in Logan, Utah.

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15 Responses

  1. maybe it’s the music, maybe it’s the darling baby, maybe it’s just me…but your little slideshow was beautiful and got me a little teary-eyed. thanks for sharing.

    i hope to see you tonight!

  2. Harmony, I use I have the pro version. Its incredible software that allows you to put together web slideshows super fast and time it to the music. Pretty cool. Love it πŸ™‚

  3. Loved the slideshow! Watched the whole thing. What a sweet boy! He is so happy! Loved your perspective like the photo you have posted… so cool.

    Hope your class went well! Thanks for sharing the tip on the slideshow software.

  4. Love the slide show!!!! I always have a ton of pics from one shoot that I can not narrow down I love how you have them all on a slide show. Does show it fast let you burn it to a DVD?

  5. Brooke, it does let you burn a DVD but the base price is $50 for a dvd. Its mainly a tool for web use since it resizes the images for optimal viewing online. I have actually never purchased a DVD. If you want some software that does the slideshows and lets you burn the DVDs on your own at home I’ve heard good things about animoto. They’re pretty pricey though… and you have to subscribe.

  6. Love the slideshow, love the music and love the images! So sorry I missed out on the class. I would love to hear more including the spiritual side of photography. I have my own thoughts on that, but would love to hear yours. Thanks for sharing this. Your slideshow brightened my day!

  7. I am for sure the SADDEST person in the world right now! We JUST got the internet (finally) and better believe one of the first things I checked was your blog. I was so happy/ EXCITED and ready to email you! Then I noticed it was a post from yesterday! I almost shed a tear! πŸ™ If only we could have had the internet a day sooner! πŸ™

    I’m sure your class was absolutely PERFECT though and everyone that atteneded loved every second of it! πŸ™‚

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