March Self Portrait


Remember my wild self portrait resolution?

My attempt for March brought an exciting new discovery!  I was home alone with Buzzy, so we resorted to the timer method…BUT!

Did you know…

on some camera’s there is an AWESOME EXTRA TIMER FEATURE?

Apparently my D7000 allows you to set the timer to fire multiple shots.  Like up to 9!  Hows that for increasing your chances and reducing the run around?

This is Alberto.  He was needed to fill in to set my focus before running, grabbing a kid, becoming immediately engrossed in a book we’ve never read and acting super natural about it all 😉


Brooke Snow is a Lifestyle photographer in Cache Valley, Utah.  She goes on a long 3 mile walk everyday at 4 p.m.  For some strange reason everyone in the house around that hour suddenly becomes inflicted with a severe case of cabin fever and must immediately spend sufficient time outside exploring in order to recover.  There is a sneaking suspicion that once the weather warms cabin fever just may start to strike earlier… and several times a day.  Praise to the great outdoors!

Brooke teaches private photography lessons , online photography classes, as well as seasonal photography classes in Logan, Utah.

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12 Responses

  1. Wow, you are good! I guess I need to fix my hair today and learn how to use my timer.
    3 pm is our hardest time, too. Yay for Spring! I hope it warms up this weekend.

  2. Precious! You look so beautiful, and little Buzzy looks adorable as always. P.S. I’ve been playing around with my “perspective” lately. It’s great. 😉

  3. oh the D7000… that’s what I’ve been drooling over, and giving my husband the SUPER huge lip about lately. You’re review?

    I’ve been loving all the reviews I’ve read so far- and the timer is something I’ve read a lot about. Awesome!

  4. I LOVE these!!!!! When you first posted this self portrait resolution I thought well that is such a good Idea I should try that. Now with this post I am thinking I have to do this! Like tonight!!!! These are just beautiful! Thank you for inspiring me 🙂

  5. My take on the D7000? Well, to be straight up, I purchased it as a back-up and the “family camera”. I wasn’t expecting it to be like my D700 which costs twice as much. I also mainly purchased it for the video feature which I am in drastic need of right now with some current projects I’m working on. My take? Its an AWESOME camera. Is it better or equal to the D700? Nope. but darn close. Its fast. quiet. Has an awesome big screen. the quality of the images are fantastic and to be honest, I forget sometimes when I’m working on my images that they came from the 7000 instead of the 700. So as far as image quality I can’t tell the difference at all. I do notice a difference on noise. The 700 is still better at high ISO though the 7000 is impressive. And I’m also not as happy with the White Balance on the 7000. I’ve been shooting exclusively in JPG on it though, so perhaps I’m just lacking some of the flexibility a RAW file gives. I feel the 7000 (for me) has too much magenta in some lighting. Again, shooting RAW would probably solve it, but I’m sort of weirdly married to the idea of having that camera be my jpg camera and the 700 be the RAW camera. weird. I know. However, if you’re shooting an older Nikon you’d notice a fantastic quality increase for sure. hOpe that review helps.

  6. Love it! So so super cute! I need to set up a little photo shoot. I also need to get the time to brush my teeth or go to the bathroom alone. Season of my life… 😉 I’ll get to it eventually! Like when my kids are teens.

  7. Fun to visit your site, Brooke. Thanks for your lesson a year or so ago! Will you be buying the D800 when it is announced later this year or are you perfectly content with the D700?

    1. David! How wonderful to hear from you! I hope you are doing well! The d800…to be perfectly honest, I’ve had my d700 for three years and still LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Granted… I did purchase the d7000 this year for the video option and the combo of the two cameras has been ideal. I’m sure the d800 will have video as well. For the work that I’m doing right now though, I need two cameras so I’ll probably just stick with the d700. Otherwise I’d likely upgrade just for the video feature!

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