I wrote an opera.
Six years ago, of course. But still, I feel it was a lovely accomplishment.
After the University sponsored the performances and recording of the work a fellow music composition student approached me and lamented,
“Gee. I wish the University would have asked me to write an opera.”
I could have laughed aloud, but I didn’t. You see,
no one asked.
And as Seth Godin points out,
“Once you reject that impulse and realize that no one is going to select you–that Prince Charming has chosen another house–then you can actually get to work.”
I simply decided that I wanted to write an opera, wrote a proposition and approached the opera department myself. Turns out they were rather excited to be on board.
I have found that most all of the things that I have done in my life have been a result of me picking myself.
The fabulous part of this approach is that there has never been a better time in the history of the world to be an artist with bounding opportunity. To borrow a historical example, if you happened to live in… oh say anytime from the beginning of the world till circa 1800, you likely needed to produce art under the patronage system. The King picked you. You produced work for the glory of the royal court. Fast forward another 200 years and those opportunities began to fall to those with special talent/training or money for education and equipment.
What an incredibly awesome time to live! The tools are cheap, the education is assessable, and you can be truly great if you work to be. And you can have some awesome opportunities if you simply create them yourself.
In some ways its much easier.
In some ways its much harder.
It takes more initiative and confidence to make things happen on your own. But the wonderful part, is that they can and will happen…
If we pick ourself.
Are you waiting for someone to pick you in order to fulfill a dream or secret wish?
In what ways have you already picked yourself and made things happen?
Brooke Snow is a Lifestyle photographer in Cache Valley, Utah. Unbeknownst to some, she was never asked to teach photography, she was never asked to go online, she was never asked to take those first few pictures or sessions, she was never asked to play team sports either–but there’s an obvious reason for that–. Just because we aren’t asked, doesn’t mean we can’t contribute. Make it happen. You have the power.
Brooke teaches private photography lessons , online photography classes, as well as seasonal photography classes in Logan, Utah.
10 Responses
This is profound. You are right on. We know what we are capable of more that anyone else knows…it’s kind of like letting our light shine, no one else is going to come and light the candle. We have to let others see the flame for them to know it is there.
You go girl! You never fail to impress me.
So inspiring!
Yes!!! This is so true. We must light our own spark and go after our dreams and goals. I have been learning this myself over the past 2 years as my business grows and evolves. And what a reward to look back and say “Look at how far I’ve come and what I’ve accomplished”. 🙂
Love this because it is SO YOU! It is one of the things that I’ve always admired. You make life happen, Brooke. I’m working at it, as well. Thanks!
Brooke – I feel like printing that quote and putting it in every room of my house. I totally believe that it is up to each of us individually to make life happen. If you wait around for life to happen to you, you will be waiting a long time with nothing to show for it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I love love love love this! I’m printing it out and adding it to the file of inspiring stories to share with my boys! You are absolutely the best!
Just saw this today and it beautiful. So needed these words. Printing for my fridge. From the small of my heart, thanks.