Play Room: {Family Life Project 52}


Part of the fun in participating in the Family Life Project, is adapting the weeks theme to our own lifestyle.

The first week of the month focuses on a room in your house. February’s room was:

The Playroom.

Well, we aren’t cool enough to have so many rooms in our house that we can dedicate a whole room to be a kids playroom. But, that doesn’t mean we don’t know how to play!

I’m figuring out an important part of motherhood right now. I find it increasingly important for me to discover activities that we BOTH enjoy doing together. It’s hard for me to get delightfully engaged playing with toys with Buzzy. He loses interest so fast and I feel like I’m just trying to pass my time. BUT–get us singing songs, making music, and dancing?! Thats fun for us both!

We have “Music Time” every single day.

Sometimes several times a day! Its a great way to calm down tantrums, and we can sing songs about things that we’re learning about. Music time also holds the record for capturing his attention the very longest. We can sing and dance for 45 minutes at a time. This is invaluable to the peace and happiness in our home!

What do you like doing with your kids that you BOTH enjoy?

Photo Specs: Nikon D700 camera, Nikon D7000 camera, 24mm lens, 35mm lens, 85mm lens. ISO 3200 f2.8 1/40.








But wait! There’s more!

Want to see what music time is *really like? I attempted the impossible and also recorded video footage to fuse together with still images so I could capture the movement of Buzzy dancing. Β I’m becoming more and more interested in the power of video with still shots of photography.

Here’s our first official Snow Family Music Video πŸ™‚

*And just so you know, all the footage of me yelling at Buzzy for touching the camera, and watching him eat things he shouldn’t and climb into the fireplace, and losing my patience? Thats all been nicely edited out. Nothing quite like seeing yourself on tape for how you react to things…probably a good source of parenting reform πŸ™‚

See the previous weeks projects HERE.

Check out Rhonda’s interpretation of the week’s theme HERE!

Next weeks theme: Just the Parents

Brooke Snow is a Lifestyle photographer in Cache Valley, Utah. She enjoys playing the tambourine, yodeling and jazzing up any classic children’s song. Β Her lifelong wish is to someday have a Yamaha Conservatory 7 foot Grand Piano.

Brooke teaches inspiring online photography classes that bring you confidence in your skills and creativity.

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6 Responses

  1. in LOVE with that video. you’ll be so glad you did that and all of these family life photos. I’ve gotten real slack on taking photos and looking back at old ones I’m so glad I took the ones I did and still feel like I didn’t take enough.

  2. You are an absolute delight! Oh, and I was so excited to see your piano – it’s SO pretty. Hooray! Your videos are so stinkin’ fun, they just make me smile. πŸ™‚

  3. Brooke, what a fantastic idea! I love this project. I’ve been shooting some home video lately and someone just put it together for me. (I need to post it) I like your theme idea though! πŸ™‚

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