The pursuit of happiness is at the core of who we are as humans. I think this is for good reason.  We know that “Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy.”  Our divine nature, who God created us to be, is joy.

We all want to be happy, but so much gets in the way. In Lehi’s Vision of the Tree of Life, He describes seeing a tree with fruit that was desirable to make one happy.  If we desire happiness ourselves, then I believe there is a lot we can learn from this vision about how to taste of this fruit of happiness and likewise what it is that takes us away.

I have a feeling you may never look at the Vision of the Tree of Life quite the same again after this episode. My hope is you will come away with a much clearer vision of how you can taste the fruit of happiness everyday.

Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon!
Law of Creation Pt. 1
Law of Creation Pt. 2
The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course.
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