As you embark on the road of personal progress, undoubtedly you will have things yo need to change or do differently. One of the critical factors that can either hold us back or push us forward is our words. Words have far more power than many people realize. If you’re ready to create something new in your life, this is one of my favorite places to start. It’s super easy to say some words…it takes seconds. But what is not so easy, is believing the new words or continuing to say them over and over again. There’s a reason many people don’t keep them up. If you have ever struggled with affirmations, or you’ve thought maybe they were a little woo woo and not for you, or you’ve ever said them and felt like you were lying or they just weren’t believable, then I’m excited to dive a little deeper into how you can make this easy tool work for you and help you create what you want to create in your life. This could be the very thing that makes all the difference.