Many people thought my parents were cruel when they found out about our little “deal”.
I wonder what people would think today in 2011 versus 1990?
After another afternoon of t.v. shows, and the resulting bickering that seemed to always follow in my sibling relationships–Mom and Dad sat us down for a chat. Dad always had a way of convincing us that we needed to do things by using his skillful “gambling” approach.
“I bet you $100 that you can’t go a whole year without T.V.!” he said.
Something about the challenge, and his tone inferring I really couldn’t do it, was all it took in my typical rebellious spirit of mine to jump in immediately, “OH yeah?!?! I can totally do that!”
And so I did. Along with my bro and sis.
All for a $100.
Aside from the obvious perks that resulted–spending our time more constructively, reading tons of books, becoming proficient on the piano–the main intent of the challenge was also apparent. We were nicer to each other. We were kinder. We didn’t fight as much.
My intent here is not to preach anti-t.v. (We found out even in 1990 that that can be a touchy subject 😉 ) But perhaps we each have our own little things in our life that make us crabby. That tempt us to criticize. Maybe we have activities that we engage in that when we finish we feel bad about ourselves and the censor gets talking too loudly in our minds? Maybe its reading a certain person’s blog, reading too many blogs… spending too much time online…hanging around negative friends or co-workers…?
Do we allow ourselves to receive some type of input that isn’t vital to our day to day living, but that obviously isn’t nourishing our spirits for the better?
What is it that brings those feelings? Can we cut it out? Better yet, can we give ourselves a reward for the seeming sacrifice?
Getting rid of the censor makes a remarkable difference in our lives and our ability to be creative.
Sometimes its as simple as cutting out the source that feeds those bad voices in our head.
How else do you get rid of the censor?
Brooke Snow is a Lifestyle photographer in Cache Valley, Utah. For some, giving up T.V. cold turkey would be a challenge. When your family has a television older than dirt that regularly goes all snowy and requires a group chant of “one two three” to jump together on the living room floor to bring back the picture…well, its not quite as hard to suddenly find fascination in books and music. Nonetheless, she still enjoys a t.v. free lifestyle. Thank heavens for The Office episodes archived on Hulu 😉 😉
Brooke teaches private photography lessons , online photography classes, as well as seasonal photography classes in Logan, Utah.
8 Responses
My censor is working over time lately. It’s terrible!! Love this post. And love the whole idea. (We are a no tv family too.)
We haven’t had TV in almost 2 years and I love it. It was funny last year, for Christmas, my children had a difficult time coming up with a long gift list because they haven’t been subject to all of the advertising. Needless to say, they got everything they wanted and it didn’t break the bank.
My “thing” would definitely be the internet. Most notably Facebook. I am going to try harder to curb that habit this summer. My first act will be un-linking Facebook to my phone. Wish me luck!! -Carrie
Good luck Carrie! Thats one reason I don’t have a smart phone 🙂 the less opportunities I have to get online or sucked into things the better 🙂 And how awesome that your kids don’t know all the things to ask for at Christmas! ha ha! So cool 🙂 Life is better when its simple anyways 🙂
My best way of getting rid of the censor is getting into The Word or spending time in worship. My husband and I disconnected our cable 12 years ago (pre-kids) so we only get what our antenna will give us. We were trying to be wise stewards and spending $50 a month on something that was only going to take us away from what was REALLY important was NOT wise stewardship. It was one of the BEST decisions we ever made. I also set a timer when I sit at the computer without a purpose other than “browsing”. That timer was also a GREAT investment. 🙂
My family had a very similar experience, though it had less to do with a bet a more to do with having no money 🙂
The local public library saved our sanity during long Canadian winters.
My parents did the same thing with us growing up. I can see the difference that it made! Now, if only I could do the same thing with my kids—so hard! My biggest “thing” is the internet as well–always comparing myself to what all these other “super moms” are able to get done and amazing things the are doing with their kids—and not being able to measure up. It’s hard to cut it out after you have gotten sucked in!! Love your inspired posts, as usual–they always give me something to think about!
Love it! I think it’s a fabulous idea. 🙂
Right on! We haven’t had a tv for a couple years. And thank goodness for The Office online! 🙂