Best Of

1.  KNOWING WHEN TO QUIT OR GIVE UP.  This totally sounds opposite of my typical optimistic approach to pursuing your dreams and your passions.  BUT, since I’m currently struggling with my own decision to let some things go that are no longer serving me in my business (that I feel I’m expected to keep), I thought I’d give it a deserved moment of attention. Todd’s article, Would You Kill Your “Precious” brings up some great points to consider.  Also check out his 25 Questions to Ask When You’re Stuck.  

It can be really hard to let go of things.  Not only might we be plagued with guilt, a sense of failure, or be afraid to take a risk, we often have invested much of our time, life, and heart into pursuing our ‘thing’.  Despite the hardship, I know with passionate conviction, that knowing when to say no and when to let go of good things helps to suddenly make room for great things.


3.  USING YOUR IMAGES:  I’m a huge advocate for printing and displaying your family photography in your home–whether its an amazing wall gallery like this one (that you can actually ADD ON to as people get older!!!) or just printing 4×6 prints and sticking them on the fridge!  When was the last time you printed something? I promise you it can change your daily life 🙂

4.  BE INSPIRED: I loved this post by the fabulous Kristin Brown.  Not only is her self portrait project awesome, I love her most recent thoughts on balancing out all the info we allow into our brains so we can really have space to be inspired.

5.  TIME/LIFE MANAGEMENT:  I just discovered some really cool tools from Mayi that I’m excited to use to save me time!  Simple, easy, and quick to implement!


2 Responses

  1. aw! so sweet of you to include me! a lot of what I’ve been inspired to change has come from you and seeing how you’ve changed your own life and business. 🙂 so thank you!!

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