If you could be trapped anywhere of your choosing, for an entire day, where would it be?
I’d pick the library.
Hogwarts library would be my first choice.
But really, any library would suffice.
I’d start in the Self Help section first. (My how I’ve changed literary taste since my high school days…for some reason reading is now a way to become a better person. Wish I would have figured that out earlier.)
Then I’d head to Young Adult Fiction. Or Mystery Suspense? Or maybe Historical Fiction? Or Wait! What about the Biographies and Memoirs! Don’t forget Health & Living!
Yes. I could be trapped for several days and be in my own personal glory.
Getting trapped with a camera in a library with a family isn’t bad either 🙂
Brooke Snow is a Lifestyle photographer in Cache Valley, Utah. One of her life’s greatest inspirations is books. Just being in a room with books fills her spirit. She decorates with books in her home, she has bookshelves in every room, and a book with her at all times. Pretty much the only thing she hasn’t done with books, is write one. A future project?
Brooke teaches inspiring online photography classes that bring you confidence in your skills and creativity.
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3 Responses
Oh goodness those are beautiful!!!!!
Looooove them! I have a book addiction. I love them from the library. From Amazon. From Chapters. Self Help, cookbooks, historical fiction, mystery. Love love books. 🙂
Ha! As soon as you said “the library” I thought “well maybe if I had my camera with me!”
These are beautiful =)