

One is true and one is false. No wonder it can often feel confusing to know who you really are! The false identity is the negative voice in your mind that scripture refers to as the natural man. Your true identity is your divine nature of who God designed you to be.

With today s culture of comparison, self-degradation, and social-media idolization, it is easy to lose sight of the true you and get buried under your false identity. But beneath the layers of society’s expectations, the roles you fill, and the messages you’ve been told, you’ll find your whole, perfect, and worthy self. Just as the tiny acorn seed contains the blueprint to grow into a mighty oak tree, you too have within you the seed of greatness. Filled with self-building exercises and tools, this empowering book will help you begin experiencing more of your life in the best way ever–as you!

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"When I read the title of this book, my initial thought was, "I don't really think I have a problem with identity". It only took the first 2 pages for me to realize there was far more to understanding my identity than I had perceived, and I had lessons to learn from Brooke that would no doubt improve my life."
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"I’ve been practicing many of these tools consistently and to say they’ve been life changing is shortchanging their power in my life. You will reference these pages again and again as you reclaim your life from fear, wondering what others think, comparison, worry, or whatever you are consumed by at the moment." -Davina
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"I love the connection of scriptures that support ideas I’ve read about in the personal growth world. I often think we’re all talking about the same principles, just in different ways. Brooke has a gift for finding those connections." -Kristin


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