The importance of solitude

I’m leaving home today. Leaving Buzzy for the first time in his near 2 year old life. I keep trying to convince myself of the truth of the above quote.

It is true.

But it doesn’t currently make leaving any easier.

I’m boarding a plane for L.A. in a few hours and am absolutely delighted to share the next few days with Jesh De Rox and other Beloved photographers from around the world.

It may be strange but the solitude of traveling alone for several hours today is calling to my spirit.

“Solitude is as necessary for our creative spirits to develop and flourish as are sleep and food for our bodies to survive.”


Are you getting enough solitude?


Brooke Snow is a Lifestyle photographer in Cache Valley, Utah.  Aside from battling separation anxiety, she’s thrilled to be meeting a true life hero of hers in person!  Amazing discoveries, new friends, and a fulfilling adventure are all awaiting!  What good this does a creative soul!

Brooke teaches inspiring online photography classes that bring you confidence in your skills and creativity.

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19 Responses

  1. I so believe this truth! It is easier for me right now to find that solitude because my youngins’ are oldins’ now. But I remember when they were small it was harder to find a way to alone time. Hope youalways find a way for some quiet time to fill your creativity spot. Have fun and learn a lot so you can come back and teach us 😉

  2. Enjoy your solitude!! Been loving your beloved sessions and the emotion in your photos. Solitude is SO important for me. The older I get, the more I realize this. AND I need some so badly right now, my heart yearns! It is getting super hard to come by with 4 kids (2 teens)and all the STUFF that comes with that.

  3. Enjoy your time! I’m so jealous, too… I’ve been immersing myself in Beloved since I first read your post. Couldn’t make it work this time with a not-quite-1-year-old and my 3-year-old, but I’m desperately hoping they’ll have another one day!

  4. Oh that is fantastic! It is hard to leave those little ones- but it really is great to have those moments of solitude! Enjoy it- I can’t wait to hear about your experience.

  5. Well done for taking the time to nourish your inner spirit! What a great opportunity to meet someone you admire….enjoy the ride!! I am so pleased to have come across your blog as I am just starting up my own photography business… seem to have a similar philosophy to what I have always maintained….keep it real, and stay true to the light!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  6. Yay Brook! How cool is that! And yes solitude is a great thing! I need to pull that book out again! Have so much fun! Can’t wait to read the posts about your experience! (cause I’m sure you won’t be able to resist telling us how A-mazing it

  7. “We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature – trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence… We need silence to be able to touch souls.”

    Mother Teresa quotes

    Read this quote today and thought of your post. Hope you had a great trip

    1. Maryanne! Thank you so much for sharing this! I’m printing it out right now and hanging it my office! You are the best!

  8. Hi guys,

    I’m not religious, but the quote “be still and know that I am God (whom or whatever that is to you)” has a worthwhile message to especially those of us bombarded with the “noise” (literal and figurative) of our relentlessly “progressing” modern world.

    Really looking forward to how you respond to your time with Jesh!

    Kind regards

  9. Hello Brooke,

    I’v just found your site and I’m already inspired! Regar ding solitude, I competly agree, if you are religious or not, it’s the time you need to connect with yourself and find the inspiration with in. Also surrounding with yourself with positive people is a life
    Long pursuit.

    Great blog!!!

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