You should all be very impressed…
Please note:
that I hiked two mountains
with all my photography gear
at 8 months pregnant
during the late afternoon sun
to get these shots 😉
Want to be even more impressed?
This lovely dancer is expecting as well! 😉
we’re both cool like that!
We actually both have more in common than our current expectant state….
We share the same mom as well!
Introducing my beautiful talented vivacious lovely sister!
She dances. She writes. She creates. She is gourmet. She’s a super mom. She’s witty and hilarious. She’s one of my heroes 😉
Love ya big, Schwest!
Brooke Snow is a Lifestyle photographer in Cache Valley, Utah. Brooke specializes as a Utah Senior photographer, Logan Senior photographer, Utah Family Photographer, Logan Family Photographer, Logan childrens photographer , Utah Childrens Photographer and is a photography teacher who enjoys teaching private photography lessons as well as monthly photography classes in Logan, Utah.
12 Responses
whoa! completely impressed! you could take on the world!
So beautiful! I love how you capture her free spirit! Love and miss you both!! Thanks for sharing your talent 🙂
Wow! I am impressed with us. I love these photos and even though it was quite the climb I had a lot of fun. THANK YOU for taking them, and being my sister, and being fun, and being my friend, and being a great teacher.
ah sweet!!! cousin babies! 🙂
Brooke… I HEART your blog! It is so fun and informative to read!
Ummmm, maybe I love these pictures A LOT! The lighting, the dancing, the…well, the ALL OF IT. They’re beautiful, and you definitely captured your lovely sister. Nice work.
These are gorgeous!! And I’m very impressed, you rock!
I’m totally impressed that you did that! The pictures are gorgeous.
You’re a rock star!! And that last shot….stunning!
Add my kudos here too! Wow! It’s no wonder you are related! I am thoroughly impressed!