1. UNPLUGGING. I loved this post by the Happy Family Movement on 5 Simple Steps to Choose Your Kids Over Your Phone. Hoorah! Sad that some of us need a “how to” guide on this, but fabulous that the issue is being addressed. I’ve been leaving my phone in the kitchen all day and just check it when I walk through. Its done wonders for my family attentiveness 🙂 Still need to break the constant email checking habit though 🙂
2. DAY IN THE LIFE PHOTOGRAPHY: Great article on Capturing the Everyday that happens in our own homes. That has been one of the funnest parts of my Family Life Project. Slowing down to capture my own life story has been truly transformative for me.
3. EFFICIENCY: Here are some great ideas of automation you can add to your workflow to help free up more lovely time in your life! Did you know that I blog on Thursdays for the entire week and never think about it again until the following week? I love automation and scheduling!
4. DOCUMENTARY: Amazing documentary videos on Sally Man. Finally got the time to sit and watch these. Well worth the time spent.
5. PERCEPTION OF BEAUTY: I’ve read this account before, but had no idea that there was video of the event to go along with it. So powerful.
3 Responses
Oh my goodness! How have I been missing this incredible blog for this long. I just spent the last half hour (when I should have been pruning trees!) scanning this year’s entries and now I want to go back and read them in depth.
Last year I shot a photo a day for my blog, but this year I wanted to try something new…and my photo abilities are already slacking. Wah! Your blog is just what I need to get my ooomph back and get going!
Kris! What a delight to hear from you! I’m so glad that the blog has encouraged you to get going with photography again! I miss seeing you! I hope you are doing well!
Number two really caught my attention. I having been giving that idea a lot of thought lately as I embark on a year of sorting the family photos. I wrote a little post on my blog about this exact thing a couple of weeks ago! I’ve made so many errors as a parent recording my childrens’ lives. On with the eternal quest to do better…