Best Of

1.  FAMILY SELF PORTRAITS:  Because You Were There Too: 13 Tips for Family Self Portraits.  This is an EXCELLENT read, and as all my lifestyle students know, it is just as important to get in front of the camera as it is to be the one recording life behind the lens.  Pretty certain there are complete years that my mom doesn’t show up in our family photo history since she was the one documenting it.  This article has some fascinating tips on keeping that from being your case.  I’m eagerly waiting a new tripod and remote–specifically to do better at this one important  issue.

2.  PHOTOSHOP:  Head Swapping!  A seriously easy and super handy trick to know how to use!  Admittedly, I usually employ head swaps for the perfect “candid moment” creations that I love to do, when I swap in the perfect laugh or reaction expressions for everyone in a family group.  But yes, you can use it just as well on the calm smiley look at the camera moments too 🙂

3.  PHOTOGRAPHER INSPIRATION:  Molly Flanagan. So, I just discovered Molly through her interview on clickinmoms, and loved her philosophy on pictures…(um, probably because its similar to my own).  I loved her take on REAL images.  Ten years from now when we look at the trendy images we took, so perfectly styled and eagerly crafted to look like the cool kids, are we going to regret all the REAL stuff we missed paying attention to?  I hope not.  Trend can be fun, but don’t forget that the REAL stuff speaks to the soul.

4.  CREATIVE PEP TALK:  The Curve Of Misery–What Every Beginning Creative Should Know.  Are you ever frustrated that your skills don’t match your vision?  Take a lovely read and find out why.

5.  PAYING ATTENTION.  Loved this post from Jasmine and this post from Hannah.  If we want to be better artists, we need to know how to SLOW DOWN and PAY ATTENTION.  I dare you to pay attention to the thoughts and prompts that speak to your heart and mind as you read the posts.  And then I double dog dare you to follow through.

2 Responses

  1. Hi – Just found your work this week and love what you are doing. I just started my lifestyle photography journey last Oct. and I am self-taught, Every shoot I finish… I know I can do better mainly because I know I forgot to breathe. Your #5 really is what lifestyle photography is all about. I don’t do Yoga – but I think of trying to find my own sense of peace before I try and capture life through my lens. As I start my second year on Oct. 18th – my main goal is to get to a comfortable place with my knowledge of the mechanical aspect of photography so that I can just let life happen and have the confidence that I will be there with my lens when it does. Cheers to you Brooke for doing what you are doing! Inspired by your work – Liz LaBianca

    1. Thank you Liz! And congrats on your first year! If you already have the perspective you do, you are well on your way and much further ahead than I was at your stage! Blessings, my friend!

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