Hello! I’m Brooke.

I help individuals bridge the gap between self-help and self-acceptance. I share tools to help you unconditionally love yourself so you can love and serve others in your own unique way.

Free Resources

Use these free resources to help you intentionally create your life.

Heart Opening: Beginning Intro to Meditation

This 40 Day Meditation Challenge is a beautiful introduction to the practice of meditation. You will learn the basic principles of meditation with a focus on self love and acceptance. Learn to put the power of unconditional love into action and experience your own Heart Opening.
co create

Learn the Law of Creation

Learn how the Law of Creation Framework can help you build sustainable habits and intentionally create your life in this FREE six-part course. For more convenience you can also find this course on the Co Create app.

My Story…

I know what it feels like to read all the books and do “all the tools” and still feel like I’m not enough.

I know what it feels like to long for supportive habits and rituals but feel stuck responding to others needs before my own.

I also know what it’s like to live with trauma and chronic stress and what it can do to my body, relationships, and work.

I have had the privilege of certifying as an Optimize Coach, Certifying as a Tiny Habits Coach, Certifying at The Inner Temple Mystery School, Certifying as a Guided Imagery Facilitator, and Certifying as a Soma+IQ Breathwork Practitioner. 

While I have much to share from my own educational experience, life has been my greatest teacher by sending me through some epic challenges. Maybe you relate?

It’s been through my own dark night of the soul that I have learned how to  to face my deepest fears, and to finally source the love I long for from within myself. This is a continual practice, and one that has forever changed my life. Turns out, it also helps you make progress, but now that progress comes from a peaceful place that allows you to enjoy the present and not delay happiness for some future arrival. 


The Co Create Podcast

Looking for weekly inspiration and insights?

Check out The Co Create Podcast on your favorite podcast app or here on the website. Each week, you’ll find conversations to help you learn more about how to embody your role as the creator of your life. 

Meditate and Learn with me on my app!

Join my Co Create app community for over 100+ Guided Meditations, Inspirational audio courses, yoga flows, Q&A’s and Book Reviews of my favorite books. All designed to help you embody your Divine power as the Creator of your life.  

Start with More Consistency

Begin to experience real transformation as you learn the science of small things. Download the Co Create App and learn more about Floors and Ceilings today!