Improving Relationships by changing your resonance

One of the great joys of my life are moments when I really resonate with another person.
And one of the great frustrations of my life is when I really don’t resonate with someone. (Especially if those relationships happen to be in my family relationships!)
Perhaps you can relate?
We all have relationships in our life that fall across a fluctuating spectrum of resonance.
I like to imagine resonance on a 5 point scale in two directions:

-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, –0– +1, +2, +3, +4, +5

To be honest, there are likely some people I will probably never resonate with very high, yet it would feel amazing if I could tip that resonance scale from the negative side and even make it to zero and feel neutral.

In this weeks podcast I’m sharing some of the most effective ways I work on my resonance to help improve my relationships.

It was interesting for me to discover that most of my resonance strategies have to do with my body. Our bodies are amazing resonance instruments! It’s a great motivation for me to do all I can to nurture my body so that my relationships can improve as well. It’s all connected????

If this topic resonates with you, I’d love to invite you to listen in to the full episode.

What are your favorite tools for improving your resonance in your relationships? I’d love to know!

Feel, be, see, say, and do
The light in me honors the light in you.


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