How to Transform Jealousy into Sympathetic Joy

There is a lot of expectation to feel thankful this week.

But what if you don’t feel thankful?


Is it just me, or have you too ever had moments when you feel lack and scarcity and maybe even a little jealous of other people whose lives seem better, whose opportunities seem greater, and you start to wonder what is wrong with you?

For those who are gathering with family or friends over the holidays…

– There is a chance that we can get triggered in our own insecurities.
– There is a chance we can compare ourselves.
– There is a chance we can feel pressure to have our life more put together.
– There is a chance we could be jealous of other people’s great success…

Honestly, it doesn’t take a family dinner to trigger this, we can feel the same thing just scrolling social media.

What do you usually do if this happens to you?

In the past, I typically told myself I should just be grateful. I would judge my experience rather than be curious about it.

But if you’ve tried to do this in the past and didn’t end up feeling better, you were probably making a common mistake without realizing it.

Most people don’t realize that their feelings can be alchemized.

I went rogue this week in my Art of Receiving course and created an unplanned lesson to speak directly to the experience of the times in our life when we feel scarcity and jealousy about others receiving in their life what we so desperately want for ourselves.

I am teaching you how to alchemize your jealousy into sympathetic joy. This is an advanced practice, but I know you’re ready for it.

If this resonates with you, I look forward to sharing this tool with you.

The light in me, honors the light in you.


P.S. This course is a limited feature this month on the Co Create app and available through December before it goes back in the vault until next year. Don’t miss it! If you’re not yet subscribed you can do so HERE.

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