Are you waiting for Prince Charming to pick you?

Thirteen years ago I got an email newsletter in my inbox from Seth Godin that changed my life. It felt like he was speaking directly to me. This is all it said…

“Once you reject that impulse and realize that no one is going to select you–that Prince Charming has chosen another house–then you can actually get to work.”

At that time in my life I was trying to support my family with my photography business and often looked longingly at other successful photographers and all the great opportunities they all seemed to have. I wished I could have that too…

When I read his email, I realized how I was doing just as he said…
Metaphorically waiting for Prince Charming to come and choose me.

I figured this is what must be happening for those I was jealous of. They just had better opportunities and connections.

Many times in our life we don’t live into our purpose because we too are waiting.Waiting.

Maybe it’s not Prince Charming you’re waiting for, but something else?


We all have some reason we give for not moving forward. In the end, the biggest block is actually ourself. This is why I found such freedom in Seth’s words, because as soon as I realized that no one was going to choose me, I became empowered to choose myself.

This week in our Discover Your Purpose course on the Co Create app, we are talking about this very thing…

Why you need to Choose Yourself.

Everything changes when this happens.

The world needs you living your purpose. Please don’t keep waiting.

You are a creator. Now go Co Create something great.


P.S. Not a subscriber to the app yet? I would love to invite you to check it out for free. Use the code PURPOSE30 here to get your first month free. Join us for the course and stay for the 100+ guided meditations, yoga, and inspirational audio courses! I’d love to see you over there!

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